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Home Overview ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
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ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图 ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software截图
ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
ATLAS.ti is a very professional qualitative data analysis software, which can manage and analyze various kinds of qualitative data, including documents, audio, video, pictures and other data. It is also the best tool to achieve Grounded theory, and can be used for data analysis in anthropology, commerce, marketing, criminology, economy, education, history, law, medicine, politics, psychology, sociology and other fields.
Educational Government/Non Commercial Commercial
1 Year 3 Years
1 User (Concurrent) 5 Users (Concurrent)
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ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software

ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software

Educational -1 Years -1 User (Concurrent)
Educational -3 Years -1 User (Concurrent)
Educational -1 Years -5 Users (Concurrent)
Educational -3 Years -5 Users (Concurrent)
Government/Non Commercial -1 Year -1 User (Concurrent)
Government/Non Commercial -3 Years -1 User (Concurrent)
Government/Non Commercial -1 Year -5 Users (Concurrent)
Government/Non Commercial -3 Years -5 Users (Concurrent)
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Commercial -3 Years -1 User (Concurrent)
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Commercial -3 Years -5 Users (Concurrent)
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ATLAS. ti provides support through intuitive and automated research tools, supported by the latest AI and machine learning algorithms and state-of-the-art technology, to help you discover actionable insights. Specially built to meet various needs: from basic analytical tasks to the most in-depth research projects.

Our analytical tools enable anyone to reveal the insights they are seeking.

Smarter ways to obtain better research results

Analyze the content you want in the way you want. ATLAS. ti eliminates the hassle of qualitative data analysis and allows software to complete heavy work. Utilize the latest AI and machine learning algorithms to automatically generate in-depth insights and obtain results faster.

Import and organize files

Import from any source and manage all data and files in one software package. Then, using intelligent automation, valuable insights are discovered and wiser decisions are made within hours rather than days.

Easy import:

  • Text document
  • file
  • file
  • image
  • Audio data
  • Video data
  • Social media data

Analyze and optimize data

Anyone can control their data analysis without prior knowledge: edit content, optimize and build the data you need. Simply use code to label qualitative insights, and use automated coding and team collaboration to achieve lightning fast results.

Unlock Insights:

  • Survey data analysis
  • Interview analysis
  • Focus group analysis
  • Literature review and analysis
  • content analysis
  • User experience research

Visualize and share your insights

Let your data speak and gain a deeper understanding of the meaning behind your research findings. With ATLAS. ti, you can share your insights through clear visualization, turning boring numbers into eye opening results - confidently presenting your conclusions.


  • Bar chart
  • Sankey
  • network
  • Text Cloud
  • Tables and more
ATLAS. ti Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software LOGO

Official website:https://atlasti.com/zh-hans/

Download Center:https://atlas-ti.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual processing

Operating platform:Windows、macOS

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Subscription version, used and updated during the subscription period.

Pre purchase trial:5-day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Unlimited number of users, the number of users used at the same time depends on the number of purchases (concurrent users)

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://atlasti.com/category/licensing/

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